
Visiting Service
There are many socially isolated and lonely older people/kaumātua who would appreciate someone visiting them. Our volunteers make a huge difference by visiting an older people/kaumātua in their home for one hour per week. Join our team and be part of this work. We will provide you with training and ongoing support.
Companion Walking Service
Some of our clients would like to go for a short walk in their neighbourhood but lack the confidence to walk alone. Could you be a Companion Walker? Do you have an hour a week to go for a walk with an older person/kaumatua. This is a great way to volunteer and get some fresh air, whilst making a difference in the life of an older person/kaumātua. We will provide you with training and ongoing support.
Administration Volunteers
Do you have skills in data entry? Would you like to support us by working at the reception desk. We are always looking for people to join the team.
Art and Craft Volunteers
Do you have creative skills that you could share. Could you facilitate a group for 2 hours. If so please contact us. Age Concern will provide all materials.
If you are interested phone the office on 06 355 2832