Steady As You Go! Exercise Classes
• Fun! Participants and peer leaders enjoy the friendly classes.
• Gentle exercises – specifically designed for older people.
• Sixty-minute weekly classes for $2 or $3 donation per class
• Seated warm up, Standing, Strengthening, Walking, Vision and cool down.
We have groups on the following days:
Halcombe Hall, 75 Willoughby St, Halcombe 11am-12noon.
Square Edge (Level 1) The Square, Palmerston North 11-12pm.
St Johns Community Hall, 33 Bowen St, Feilding 10.30-11.30am
Te Kawau Memorial Recreation Centre. 1 Wye St, Rongotea 10 -11am
102, Rangiora Ave, Community Hall, Palmerston North 10.30-11.30am.
Awapuni Community Centre, 22 Newbury St, Palmerston 9.30-10.30am.
Ashhurst, Otangaki, Lodge 69, Oxford St. Ashhurst 10-11am.
Central Baptist Church, 190, Church St., Palmerston North 10-11am.
St Albans Church 339 Albert St, Palmerston North 1.30-2.30pm
Whakapai Hauora, 140-148 Maxwells Line, Palmerston North 10.30am – 11.30am
Senior Citizens Hall, 309 Main St, Palmerston North 10-11am
For more information phone 06 355 2832